We will begin by providing the conversation, and then we will list the vocabulary words in English, German, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, French, Italian, Spanish, and Polish.
Emma: Hi, Sofia. How are you?
Sofia: Hi, Emma. I’m good, thanks. How about you?
Emma: I’m doing well, thanks for asking. What have you been up to lately?
Sofia: Not much, just studying and hanging out with friends. How about you?
Emma: Same here, just trying to keep up with school work. By the way, how old are you?
Sofia: I’m 21. How about you?
Emma: I’m 19. So, what do you do? Are you a student?
Sofia: Yeah, I’m studying psychology at the university. How about you?
Emma: I’m studying business at the same university. It’s nice to meet another student.
Sofia: Yeah, it is. So, what do you like to do for fun?
Emma: I like to read and listen to music. How about you?
Sofia: I like to go to the gym and play basketball with my friends.
Emma: That sounds like fun. I used to play basketball in high school, but I’m not very good at it.
Sofia: It’s okay, you should come and play with us sometime. We can teach you some new moves.
Emma: That sounds like a good idea. Thanks for inviting me.
Sofia: No problem. So, what classes are you taking this semester?
Emma: I’m taking accounting, marketing, and statistics. How about you?
Sofia: I’m taking abnormal psychology, research methods, and cognitive psychology.
Emma: Wow, that sounds interesting. I’ve always been curious about psychology. Maybe you can tell me more about it sometime.
Sofia: Sure, I’d be happy to. It’s a fascinating subject.
Emma: Great, I’m looking forward to it. It was nice talking to you, Sofia.
Sofia: Yeah, it was nice talking to you too, Emma. See you around.
Here’s a table with the vocabulary in English along with translations in German, Turkish, Arabic, and Farsi:
English | German | Turkish | Arabic | Farsi (Persian) |
Hi | Hallo | Merhaba | مرحبا | سلام (salam) |
How are you? | Wie geht’s? | Nasılsın? | كيف حالك؟ (kayf haluk?) | حالت چطوره؟ (haalat chetoreh?) |
Good | Gut | İyi | جيد (jayyid) | خوب (khob) |
Thanks | Danke | Teşekkürler | شكرًا (shukran) | ممنون (mamnoon) |
What have you been up to lately? | Was hast du in letzter Zeit gemacht? | Son zamanlarda ne yapıyorsun? | ماذا فعلت في الآونة الأخيرة؟ (mada fa’alta fi al’auna al’akhira?) | اخیرا چه کارهایی کردی؟ (akheera chye karhaayi kardi?) |
Studying | Studieren | Öğrenim görmek | دراسة (dirasa) | تحصیل (tahsil) |
Hanging out with friends | Zeit mit Freunden verbringen | Arkadaşlarla takılmak | وقضاء الوقت مع الأصدقاء (waqda’ alwaqt ma’al’asdiqaa) | با دوستان وقت گذراندن (ba dustan vaqt gozarandeh) |
Same here | Gleiches hier | Aynı benim de | نفس الشيء هنا (nafs alshay’ hunaa) | منم همینطوری (manam hamintoori) |
School work | Schularbeit | Okul işi | عمل مدرسي (amal madrasi) | کار مدرسه ای (kaar madrese’i) |
How old are you? | Wie alt bist du? | Kaç yaşındasın? | كم عمرك؟ (kam ‘umruk?) | چند سالته؟ (chand saleteh?) |
19 | Neunzehn | On dokuz | تسعة عشر (tis’ah ‘ashar) | نوزده (noozdah) |
21 | Einundzwanzig | Yirmi bir | واحد وعشرون (waahid wa’ishruun) | بیست و یک (bist o yek) |
What do you do? | Was machst du? | Ne iş yapıyorsun? | ماذا تعمل؟ (mada ta’mal?) | شغلت چیه؟ (shoghl-et chieh?) |
Student | Student/in | Öğrenci | طالب (taleb) | دانشجو(Danesh-joo) |
Here are some of the more challenging vocabulary words from the conversation:
English | Definition |
university | an institution of higher education that provides academic and professional courses and grants degrees |
actually | in fact; really |
originally | at the beginning or before any changes |
psychology | the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior |
specialize | to concentrate on and become expert in a particular subject or skill |
scholarship | an amount of money given to a student to help pay for their education |
ambitious | having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed |
pursue | to follow and try to catch or achieve |
career | an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one’s lifework |
field | an area of study, as in a subject of academic specialization |
grade | a level or standard of attainment |
honors | recognition or distinction given to someone who has achieved great merit or excellence |
focus | the center of interest or activity |
thesis | a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved |
research | the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions |
data | facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis |
Here are the more challenging vocabulary words from the conversation in English, German, Turkish, Arabic, and Persian:
English | German | Turkish | Arabic | Persian |
university | Universität | Üniversite | جامعة (jamia) | دانشگاه (dāneshgāh) |
actually | eigentlich | aslında | فعلياً (fi’ilan) | در واقع (dar vāqe) |
originally | ursprünglich | öncelikle | في الأصل (fi al-‘asl) | اصلیا (aslān) |
psychology | Psychologie | Psikoloji | علم النفس (ilm al-nafs) | روانشناسی (ravānshenāsi) |
specialize | spezialisieren | uzmanlaşmak | تخصص (takhassus) | تخصص کردن (takhassos kardan) |
scholarship | Stipendium | burs | منحة (munh) | شورای پرورش (shurā-ye parvaresh) |
ambitious | ehrgeizig | hırslı | طموح (tamūh) | با طموح (bā tamūh) |
pursue | verfolgen | takip etmek | متابعة (mutāba’ah) | پیگیری کردن (peygiri kardan) |
career | Karriere | kariyer | مهنة (mihna) | حرفه (harfeh) |
field | Gebiet | alan | مجال (majāl) | حوزه (hawzeh) |
grade | Note | not | درجة (daraja) | نمره (nomre) |
honors | Auszeichnung | onur derecesi | تكريم (takrīm) | افتخار (eftexār) |
focus | Schwerpunkt | odak | تركيز (tarkīz) | تمركز (tamarkoz) |
thesis | These | tez | أطروحة (‘atruha) | پایاننامه (pāyān-nāmeh) |
research | Forschung | araştırma | بحث (bahth) | پژوهش (pajuhesh) |
data | Daten | veri | بيانات (bayānāt) | اطلاعات (Etela-aat) |
Here are the vocabulary words from the conversation above in English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Polish:
English | French | Italian | Spanish | Polish |
Hello | Bonjour | Ciao | Hola | Cześć |
Hi | Salut | Ciao | Hola | Cześć |
My name is [name] | Je m’appelle [name] | Mi chiamo [name] | Me llamo [name] | Mam na imię [name] |
Nice to meet you | Enchanté(e) | Piacere di conoscerti | Encantado(a) de conocerte | Miło mi cię poznać |
What’s your name? | Comment tu t’appelles ? | Come ti chiami? | ¿Cómo te llamas? | Jak masz na imię? |
Where are you from? | D’où viens-tu ? | Di dove sei? | ¿De dónde eres? | Skąd jesteś? |
I’m from [country] | Je viens de [country] | Sono di [country] | Soy de [country] | Jestem z [country] |
How old are you? | Quel âge as-tu ? | Quanti anni hai? | ¿Cuántos años tienes? | Ile masz lat? |
I’m [age] years old | J’ai [age] ans | Ho [age] anni | Tengo [age] años | Mam [age] lat |
Goodbye | Au revoir | Arrivederci | Adiós | Do widzenia |
See you later | À plus tard | A più tardi | Hasta luego | Do zobaczenia później |
Have a nice day | Bonne journée | Buona giornata | Que tengas un buen día | Miłego dnia |
Thank you | Merci | Grazie | Gracias | Dziękuję |
You’re welcome | De rien | Prego | De nada | Nie ma za co |
English | French | Italian | Spanish | Polish |
university | université | università | universidad | uniwersytet |
actually | en fait | in realtà | en realidad | w rzeczywistości |
originally | à l’origine | originariamente | originalmente | pierwotnie |
psychology | psychologie | psicologia | psicología | psychologia |
specialize | se spécialiser | specializzarsi | especializarse | specjalizować się |
scholarship | bourse | borsa di studio | beca | stypendium |
ambitious | ambitieux | ambizioso | ambicioso | ambitny |
pursue | poursuivre | perseguire | perseguir | podążać |
career | carrière | carriera | carrera | kariera |
field | domaine | campo | campo | dziedzina |
grade | note | voto | nota | ocena |
honors | honneurs | onori | honores | wyróżnienie |
focus | se concentrer | focalizzarsi | enfocar | skupić się |
thesis | thèse | tesi | tesis | praca dyplomowa |
research | recherche | ricerca | investigación | badania |
data | données | dati | datos | dane |
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