
Two University Students Chat About School and Hobbies: An English Conversation for Beginners

We will begin by providing the conversation, and then we will list the vocabulary words in English, German, Turkish, Arabic, Farsi, French, Italian, Spanish, and Polish.

Emma: Hi, Sofia. How are you?
Sofia: Hi, Emma. I’m good, thanks. How about you?
Emma: I’m doing well, thanks for asking. What have you been up to lately?
Sofia: Not much, just studying and hanging out with friends. How about you?
Emma: Same here, just trying to keep up with school work. By the way, how old are you?
Sofia: I’m 21. How about you?
Emma: I’m 19. So, what do you do? Are you a student?
Sofia: Yeah, I’m studying psychology at the university. How about you?
Emma: I’m studying business at the same university. It’s nice to meet another student.
Sofia: Yeah, it is. So, what do you like to do for fun?
Emma: I like to read and listen to music. How about you?
Sofia: I like to go to the gym and play basketball with my friends.
Emma: That sounds like fun. I used to play basketball in high school, but I’m not very good at it.
Sofia: It’s okay, you should come and play with us sometime. We can teach you some new moves.
Emma: That sounds like a good idea. Thanks for inviting me.
Sofia: No problem. So, what classes are you taking this semester?
Emma: I’m taking accounting, marketing, and statistics. How about you?
Sofia: I’m taking abnormal psychology, research methods, and cognitive psychology.
Emma: Wow, that sounds interesting. I’ve always been curious about psychology. Maybe you can tell me more about it sometime.
Sofia: Sure, I’d be happy to. It’s a fascinating subject.
Emma: Great, I’m looking forward to it. It was nice talking to you, Sofia.
Sofia: Yeah, it was nice talking to you too, Emma. See you around.

Here’s a table with the vocabulary in English along with translations in German, Turkish, Arabic, and Farsi:

English German Turkish Arabic Farsi (Persian)
Hi Hallo Merhaba مرحبا سلام (salam)
How are you? Wie geht’s? Nasılsın? كيف حالك؟ (kayf haluk?) حالت چطوره؟ (haalat chetoreh?)
Good Gut İyi جيد (jayyid) خوب (khob)
Thanks Danke Teşekkürler شكرًا (shukran) ممنون (mamnoon)
What have you been up to lately? Was hast du in letzter Zeit gemacht? Son zamanlarda ne yapıyorsun? ماذا فعلت في الآونة الأخيرة؟ (mada fa’alta fi al’auna al’akhira?) اخیرا چه کارهایی کردی؟ (akheera chye karhaayi kardi?)
Studying Studieren Öğrenim görmek دراسة (dirasa) تحصیل (tahsil)
Hanging out with friends Zeit mit Freunden verbringen Arkadaşlarla takılmak وقضاء الوقت مع الأصدقاء (waqda’ alwaqt ma’al’asdiqaa) با دوستان وقت گذراندن (ba dustan vaqt gozarandeh)
Same here Gleiches hier Aynı benim de نفس الشيء هنا (nafs alshay’ hunaa) منم همینطوری (manam hamintoori)
School work Schularbeit Okul işi عمل مدرسي (amal madrasi) کار مدرسه ای (kaar madrese’i)
How old are you? Wie alt bist du? Kaç yaşındasın? كم عمرك؟ (kam ‘umruk?) چند سالته؟ (chand saleteh?)
19 Neunzehn On dokuz تسعة عشر (tis’ah ‘ashar) نوزده (noozdah)
21 Einundzwanzig Yirmi bir واحد وعشرون (waahid wa’ishruun) بیست و یک (bist o yek)
What do you do? Was machst du? Ne iş yapıyorsun? ماذا تعمل؟ (mada ta’mal?) شغلت چیه؟ (shoghl-et chieh?)
Student Student/in Öğrenci طالب (taleb) دانشجو(Danesh-joo)


Here are some of the more challenging vocabulary words from the conversation:

English Definition
university an institution of higher education that provides academic and professional courses and grants degrees
actually in fact; really
originally at the beginning or before any changes
psychology the scientific study of the human mind and its functions, especially those affecting behavior
specialize to concentrate on and become expert in a particular subject or skill
scholarship an amount of money given to a student to help pay for their education
ambitious having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed
pursue to follow and try to catch or achieve
career an occupation or profession, especially one requiring special training, followed as one’s lifework
field an area of study, as in a subject of academic specialization
grade a level or standard of attainment
honors recognition or distinction given to someone who has achieved great merit or excellence
focus the center of interest or activity
thesis a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved
research the systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources in order to establish facts and reach new conclusions
data facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis


Here are the more challenging vocabulary words from the conversation in English, German, Turkish, Arabic, and Persian:

English German Turkish Arabic Persian
university Universität Üniversite جامعة (jamia) دانشگاه (dāneshgāh)
actually eigentlich aslında فعلياً (fi’ilan) در واقع (dar vāqe)
originally ursprünglich öncelikle في الأصل (fi al-‘asl) اصلیا (aslān)
psychology Psychologie Psikoloji علم النفس (ilm al-nafs) روانشناسی (ravānshenāsi)
specialize spezialisieren uzmanlaşmak تخصص (takhassus) تخصص کردن (takhassos kardan)
scholarship Stipendium burs منحة (munh) شورای پرورش (shurā-ye parvaresh)
ambitious ehrgeizig hırslı طموح (tamūh) با طموح (bā tamūh)
pursue verfolgen takip etmek متابعة (mutāba’ah) پیگیری کردن (peygiri kardan)
career Karriere kariyer مهنة (mihna) حرفه (harfeh)
field Gebiet alan مجال (majāl) حوزه (hawzeh)
grade Note not درجة (daraja) نمره (nomre)
honors Auszeichnung onur derecesi تكريم (takrīm) افتخار (eftexār)
focus Schwerpunkt odak تركيز (tarkīz) تمركز (tamarkoz)
thesis These tez أطروحة (‘atruha) پایان‌نامه (pāyān-nāmeh)
research Forschung araştırma بحث (bahth) پژوهش (pajuhesh)
data Daten veri بيانات (bayānāt) اطلاعات (Etela-aat)


Here are the vocabulary words from the conversation above in English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Polish:

English French Italian Spanish Polish
Hello Bonjour Ciao Hola Cześć
Hi Salut Ciao Hola Cześć
My name is [name] Je m’appelle [name] Mi chiamo [name] Me llamo [name] Mam na imię [name]
Nice to meet you Enchanté(e) Piacere di conoscerti Encantado(a) de conocerte Miło mi cię poznać
What’s your name? Comment tu t’appelles ? Come ti chiami? ¿Cómo te llamas? Jak masz na imię?
Where are you from? D’où viens-tu ? Di dove sei? ¿De dónde eres? Skąd jesteś?
I’m from [country] Je viens de [country] Sono di [country] Soy de [country] Jestem z [country]
How old are you? Quel âge as-tu ? Quanti anni hai? ¿Cuántos años tienes? Ile masz lat?
I’m [age] years old J’ai [age] ans Ho [age] anni Tengo [age] años Mam [age] lat
Goodbye Au revoir Arrivederci Adiós Do widzenia
See you later À plus tard A più tardi Hasta luego Do zobaczenia później
Have a nice day Bonne journée Buona giornata Que tengas un buen día Miłego dnia
Thank you Merci Grazie Gracias Dziękuję
You’re welcome De rien Prego De nada Nie ma za co
Here are the more challenging vocabulary words from the conversation in English, French, Italian, Spanish, and Polish:
English French Italian Spanish Polish
university université università universidad uniwersytet
actually en fait in realtà en realidad w rzeczywistości
originally à l’origine originariamente originalmente pierwotnie
psychology psychologie psicologia psicología psychologia
specialize se spécialiser specializzarsi especializarse specjalizować się
scholarship bourse borsa di studio beca stypendium
ambitious ambitieux ambizioso ambicioso ambitny
pursue poursuivre perseguire perseguir podążać
career carrière carriera carrera kariera
field domaine campo campo dziedzina
grade note voto nota ocena
honors honneurs onori honores wyróżnienie
focus se concentrer focalizzarsi enfocar skupić się
thesis thèse tesi tesis praca dyplomowa
research recherche ricerca investigación badania
data données dati datos dane
Mehdi Parsnews Amiri

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