

Persischer Kräuterreis mit Goldgebratenem Fisch – Sabzi Polo Mahi (سبزی پلو ماهی)

Sabzi Polo Mahi ist ein traditionelles persisches Gericht, das häufig zum persischen Neujahr (Nowruz) serviert wird. Es besteht aus grünem…

2 سال ago

“Spice Up Your Cooking with These Exotic Flavors: A Comprehensive List of Spices in 5 languages!

Spices have been used in cooking for thousands of years and are an integral part of many different cuisines around…

2 سال ago

Experience the Heartwarming Flavors of Persia with This Hearty Barley Soup Recipe – Ashe Jow

Persian cuisine is known for its rich flavors, exotic spices, and comforting stews. One such dish that embodies all of…

2 سال ago