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learning English: Shopping for Dinner: Maria’s Visit to the Neighborhood Market

A woman named Maria walks into a small grocery shop in her neighborhood. She greets the shopkeeper and begins browsing…

2 سال ago

Learning English for Everyday Life: A Health Discussion with the Doctor”.

A woman named Sarah has been experiencing unusual symptoms and decides to visit a gynecologist. She arrives at the doctor's…

2 سال ago

Name of fruits in English with German,French,spanish & persian translation

English Deutsch French Spanish Persian فارسی  Apple Apricot Avocado Banana Blackberry Blueberry Cherry Coconut Cranberry Date Dragon fruit Elderberry Fig…

2 سال ago

Items you might find in a Bathroom in English, Turkish,Arabic & Farsi

Artikel, die Sie möglicherweise in Badezimmern finden, auf Englisch, Deutsch, Französisch und Farsi  اقلامی که ممکن است در حمام ها…

2 سال ago