Verschiedene Teile des menschlichen Körpers auf Englisch, Deutsch, Türkisch, Arabisch und Persisch İngilizce, Almanca, Türkçe, Arapça ve Farsça insan vücudunun…
Introduction: London is one of the world's most iconic and historic cities, offering a wealth of cultural and recreational opportunities…
Vienna is a city with a rich history and culture, offering a wide range of attractions and activities for visitors…
Here's a list of items that you typically find in an apartment, organized by room in English,German,Turkish,Arabic and persain: Items…
Maria, unsere Patientin, muss zuerst mit dem Frauenarzt einen Termin vereinbaren: Maria ruft den Frauenarzt an. Telefonist: Guten Tag, Praxis…
Here is a lesson for learning English by having a conversation with a general practitioner about health problems: The patient,…
A woman named Maria walks into a small grocery shop in her neighborhood. She greets the shopkeeper and begins browsing…
A woman named Sarah has been experiencing unusual symptoms and decides to visit a gynecologist. She arrives at the doctor's…
Here is a list of 100 of the best-selling books of all time along with some details and estimated sales…
Taste the Authenticity of Iran with this Mouthwatering Zereshk Polo Morgh Recipe Zereshk polo is a popular Iranian dish that…